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Our team is full only of 10%
We need C++ programmers, WEB designers and good ideas, of course :-)

Need experience? Than take It!
Take part in the following projects or offer a new one:

Graff px (Release 1.0.24 : 15.12.2008):

Current development trends:
1. Image enchancements:
- adjustments -> variations;
- adjustments -> threshold;
- adjustments -> hue/saturation;
- etc.
2. Photo filters:
- other -> high pass;
- noise -> despeckle;
- noise -> bilateral;
- pixalate -> facet;
- pixalate -> fragment;
- pixalate -> mosaic;
- render -> clouds;
- render -> difference clouds;
- etc.
3. Graff engines:
- fase detection engine;
- deblur engine.

Future development plans:
1. Editors' toolbar:
- cutout tool;
- brushes;
- etc.
2. Graff features:
- Create documents;
- Dublicate documents.

Graff px source code (software development kit) - DownloaD
Graff px Forum
Graff px Bugtracker

<3D Graphics App> px = <3D Editot> + Render px:

Render px (Release 1.0.1 : 14.01.2006):
Realized features:
- reflective transparency;
- bump mapping;
- depth of field;
- lens flare;
- atmospheric attenuation;
- environment mapping.

Render px source code (the UdS Rendering Competition's 1-st Place) - OpeN

Project X Homepage

We are very interested in making this site more attractive.
Our team is redy for desighn experiments and looks forward to add an web SVN.

Project X Forum

2007-2009 © Project X