Visir principial scheme
Visir principial scheme
The principial scheme of the Visir's face detection and tracking engine.
Re: Visir principial scheme
- Optical Flow Methods
- calcOpticalFlowPyrLK - The iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids (non-dense OFF)
- calcOpticalFlowFarneback - Gunnar Farneback's algorithm (dense OFF)
- the variational Oprical Flow method (dense OFF)
- Stereo (1D OFF):
- FindStereoCorrespondenceBM - computes the disparity map using block matching algorithm
- FindStereoCorrespondenceCG - computes the disparity map using grapg cut-based algorithm
- the variational disparity estimation
- Face Detection Methods
- Haar cascades
- face detection
- eyes detection
- nose detection
- lips detection
- LPB cascades
- Haar cascades
- Face Recognition Methods
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Face Tracking methods
- Active Appearance Model
- Contours
Re: Visir principial scheme
We have updated the Visir architecture concept as follows:
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